01 April 2008

The college girl wardrobe staple

I heard from a certain Bloch-Wehba girl via another Bloch-Wehba girl that all EDIT: SOROS-TITUTES own a pair of these shorts. Soro- from the Latin soror meaning sister, -stitutes from the Greek meaning streetwalker. Then both LBW and I realized we are proud owners, and quickly shunned the stereotype. HBW, it seems the phenomenon extends beyond Greek Row.


S J D said...

The word most often used, even though yours resembles something much more legitimate, is "sorostitute."

And since I attend the school with the country's largest Greek system, take it from me -- yes, they do ALL own those shorts

LBW said...

i TOLD you it was sorostitute! you can't just go changing words on a whim, grrl.

sodanity said...

this is in fact true-- thats funny. but i dont have any...and im no tute.